I need PCMCIA slots.
@aburka nah I have enough keyboards for now.
besides, if I could install a PCMCIA card, I could make my own that's a keyboard, without keys. just type it from my brain
the instigating incident for this post was me getting tired of having to refer to Ralf Brown's Interrupt List repeatedly and annoyingly while I work on various DOS reverse-engineering projects.
I want a PCMCIA card that just is some ROM chips so I can have the entirety of Ralf Brown's interrupt list in my head at all times.
Ralf Brown's Interrupt List - HTML Version
HTML version of the famous Ralf Brown Interrupt List with over 9000 linked pages and 350 indexes making the process of searching much easier.
@NanoRaptor @foone I’ve got an RJ45 jack at the base of my skull. Well, a tattoo of one.
@plaidtron3000 @NanoRaptor nice!
@foone I love that your first thought for removable data storage is pcmcia with rom chips, not something cursed like usb flash
@aburka I'm from the 80s, USB is too new for my robot body
@foone explain this then
@aburka that's cheating
@foone I hear you, I've just got an IEEE 488 interface
@foone absolutely, but I don't want to think about the abuse potential of bus mastering brains
@rileywd abuse? think of the potential, though!