peak apple marcom
peak apple marcom
@marioguzman It’s hard to describe today how FUN it felt to have iLife on a Mac back then. You could literally take digital photos and videos and import them into your personal computer and then publish it on a website to share with your friends and family? Each app is a quantum jump forward in organization and usability over just…having files in folders, I guess? It’s sorcery.
@marioguzman fun fact: I had a hand in doing the iDVD themes!
@drahardja @marioguzman there’s still no real iWeb replacement. And that’s THE MOST relevant today.
@octothorpe @marioguzman do tell! I have good memories using that piece of software
@octothorpe @marioguzman Well I think Wix and all those “point and click website” types have taken over this space.
@martinduparc @marioguzman They outsourced the theme design to the company I was working for at the time.
@drahardja @marioguzman but it’s still not as straightforward as ‘give it a directory structure of images and make a site’ easy.
@octothorpe @marioguzman GitHub Pages!
@drahardja @marioguzman oh interesting. Hmm. I’ve a friend who was basically looking to do what I described, and he was lamenting the passing of iWeb.
@octothorpe @marioguzman The wonderful thing about GitHub Pages, too, is that it’s just Git and Markdown. You can have a local replica of the entire site, and redeploy it on any number of similar hosts if GitHub is no longer your cup of tea. You can also buy a domain name and hook it up to GitHub Pages or whatever other hosts you decide to take your site to. It’s pretty nice.
@drahardja @marioguzman cool. That may be a couple steps beyond him, but good to know!