I don't know what to say
i do find it funny tho that Evan cannot tag Jack in his post because his server blocked the nostr bridges
@laurenshof I'm surprised he deigned to use his mastodon account. Doesn't he spend most of his time on threads these days?
Genders: βΎοΈ, πͺβ¬π©; Soni L.replied to Jenniferplusplus last edited by
@jenniferplusplus we think we might leave fedi after we finish our thing...
sure, it's technically an open protocol. but we don't trust that it's maintained/managed by someone like that, y'know?
Jenniferplusplusreplied to Genders: βΎοΈ last edited by
@SoniEx2 I think you're giving him too much credit. He's not leading anything. He's a grifter, soaking up book deals and foundation money.
Also, AP is functionally unmaintained.
Genders: βΎοΈ, πͺβ¬π©; Soni L.replied to Jenniferplusplus last edited by
@jenniferplusplus does he still have the keys to the spec?
Jenniferplusplusreplied to Genders: βΎοΈ last edited by
@SoniEx2 I'm not sure what that would even mean. I assume he's a committer on the github repo. But the spec is final. The W3C would have to recharter a new working group to make changes to it, and there seems to be zero appetite for that.
Val Packett π§replied to Jenniferplusplus last edited by
@jenniferplusplus .....that reads ironic to me?
Jenniferplusplusreplied to Val Packett π§ last edited by
@valpackett It doesn't to me
Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:replied to Jenniferplusplus last edited by
@jenniferplusplus same .
@[email protected] I'd like to cordially invite both Dorsey and Evan here to go drink gutter water.