Waking up to watch an ME/CFS medical scandal video has my heart pounding this morning.
Waking up to watch an ME/CFS medical scandal video has my heart pounding this morning. Part stress, part anger, part sadness.
Apple Annie :blobhug2mask:replied to Apple Annie :blobhug2mask: last edited by
Apple Annie :blobhug2mask:replied to Apple Annie :blobhug2mask: last edited by
Say what you will about the US healthcare system but they don’t appear to be systemically killing us while in their care.
Andy Carolan :prami:replied to Apple Annie :blobhug2mask: last edited by
@anniegreens The NHS situation with ME/CFS, at least in my experience is... diagnose (if you're lucky) and administer Anti Depressants.
That's it.
Apple Annie :blobhug2mask:replied to Andy Carolan :prami: last edited by
@andycarolan but it isn’t depression
Andy Carolan :prami:replied to Apple Annie :blobhug2mask: last edited by
@anniegreens I know... which is why I questioned it when they tried to prescribe it.
I don't think they knew [know] what to do with people when diagnosed with ME, so they try to numb us.
Apple Annie :blobhug2mask:replied to Andy Carolan :prami: last edited by
@andycarolan It’s a bit more than numbing. The history shows rampant psychologizing and when refusing these wrong treatments, sectioning, where very sick patients die.
Andy Carolan :prami:replied to Apple Annie :blobhug2mask: last edited by
@anniegreens Oh there's definitely more to it than just the numbing from ADs. The support was very poor when I was diagnosed. I was mostly left to figure it out on my own. Fortunately, I managed to find a way through… I know many don’t.