this class is so good.
this class is so good. it's the last week and everyone has to give a presentation about why the city they wrote their essay about is racist
@eris Reminds me of my course where the first task we got before even the first lecture was to prove using physics that capitalism is unsustainable
@LivingCooki it's so funny, basically every class we learn about some new specific thing the US did to hurt racial minorities as much as possible and someone like horrifyingly raises their hand and asks if it was really that bad
@LivingCooki someone came into the class not knowing what "gentrification" was now he's talking about how it impacts boulder colorodo specifically. this shit works wonders
@LivingCooki i overheard a generic frat bro looking white guy talking about how he took a required diversity training class for his stem major and was like annoyed at first and then realized that misogyny and racism are actually real and not overblown . like . what
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