[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don’t.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
[ faux pas ]
Pronounce both x and s. That's how I believed it to be pronounced until 30s lmao
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I blame the French for that, if you want a word to be pronounced a certain way don't spell it totally different.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
The cultural backlash comes not from 'pronouncing things correctly makes you sound educated' but because people that do this are adopting an accent for one singular word, and that is often perceived as them attempting to imply some connection to that group/culture that they do not have.
Americans, white Americans especially, have essentially no cultural heritage to draw on. It's why we latch onto things like a grandparent being from ireland and thence go around calling ourselves Irish-American, or the confederate states. People with a rich cultural history are generally viewed as extremely interesting, too, so when another american adopts characteristics from a culture they have no real connection with, it's perceived as a deeply tacky attempt to gain social clout.
(Its akin to being presented with a lesser form of weaboo.)
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
France has many linguistic crimes to answer for....
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
And that's the point, I believe. Catalan is not a dialect of Spanish.
Yeah, no, I get the joke.
I'm just annoyed by the joke.
Slightly, anyway. It's less annoying than hearing Colbert do it (he really likes this one, and generally slightly xenophobic country stereotype jokes, for some reason), but it always rubs me the wrong way a little bit, for the reasons I mentioned elsewhere.
I mean, I'm not mad or anything, I still get to have a sense of humor. For as much as "guy speaks funny" is one of those, anyway.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
The majority of my time playing skyrim I thought he was referring to somewhere in a different citt like Solitude or something. Didnt realize he was talking about a place thats 10 paces away lol
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I remember talking to these girls on discord, and they kept talking about their new fox ears, and then when they showed me, they were bunny ears on a headband. That’s when I realized they were saying faux ears.
I urgently need to know if you're at the very least German, because if you're anglophone that statement is straight up against the law.
What do you mean, "white Americans have no cultural heritage"? Your culture runs the planet and has been a going concern for several centuries across hundreds of millions of people. We are in twenty twenty five, good sir. AD. Place got colonized in the sixteenth century. Half of Europe was in a completely different country back then, even discounting all the American history that goes before that.
And yeah, it's weird that you latch on to foreign ancestry as a substitute. I'd joke about it, but I'm here getting all pissy about the US equivalent, so it'd be hypocritical, I suppose.
Wenn es so dringend ist hättest du auch mein Profil checken können.
Schönen Tag noch.
Click through something for a social media conversation? Gross.
I did Google Translate that, full disclosure.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Fowks pass!
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Castilian and Catalan are two different things, I think the previous poster may have just misinterpreted the top level post which was not wrong about C being pronounced as the English TH.
I know its sounds like im an asshole but i lived 4 months there and picked itnup lol. So now i alsways say it like that even tho my spanish is pretty bad. But i like to pick up the correct, native pronounciacion of place names anyways to show a bit of respect to the people living there and i dont judge you if you dont do it.
What knock-off Google Translate clone did you use?
"If it's that urgent, you could have checked my profile.
Have a nice day."
- translation provided by Google Translate (for realsies)
yeh. "accent humor" is almost always just thinly veiled just racism or ableism. here at least it's got a bit of a spin on it. not a lot, but some.