My dear US friends.
@jwildeboer @sennoma Dude, no need to be a dick.
wrote last edited by [email protected]@GuyDudeman I specifically asked to refrain from suggesting other solutions as I try to propose a simple solution for the not-so-technical people looking for solutions. By ignoring that — who is the dick in your opinion? @sennoma
@max But I am not running my own instance. I rent Nextcloud backed storage at Hetzner. And that approach is what I tried to share with people so they can also start using it. Now you (and others) are adding unrelated tech jargon that will confuse people and drive them away from trying. Thanks, I guess? @Huubje
@jwildeboer @max did I do something wrong btw? I was only wondering because gifting someone a Raspberry Pi with Nextcloud on it seemed like a cool idea
@jwildeboer @max did I do something wrong btw? I was only wondering because gifting someone a Raspberry Pi with Nextcloud on it seemed like a cool idea