"The problem with the billionaire system is that it just so happens the notion that it is a virtuous and generative thing for fewer and fewer people to seize more and more of a system's resources by robbing and murdering everyone else simply isn’t true.
Susan Kaye Quinn 🌱(she/her)replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy this is an excellent, scathing, and damningly true article
lupus_blackfurreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
Can't have both...
And the steal-ionaires obv know this as demonstrated by their prevailing anti-democratic goals.
Robber Barons Unite!! In favor of unfettered capitalism!!
But they're the smarterer... Simply cause they have the money... Even if they didn't make that money themselves...
@wdlindsy we don't have a democracy.
We never had a democracy.
At first, it was a slavocracy. Then, it was a white supremacist ethnostate. Now, it is a dictatorship of the billionaire elite.
Peter Butlerreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
FYI, @JuliusGoat is on Mastodon and is an excellent follow
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Peter Butler last edited by
@peterbutler @JuliusGoat Thank you — yes, I've been following him and agree.
@burnoutqueen I think any honest and informed person knows that democracy in the US has been from its inception aspirational and unrealized — and deeply flawed. Facing that, we can either give up the democratic experiement altogether and succumb to authoritarianism, or keep fighting to realize what hasn't yet been realized.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to lupus_blackfur last edited by
@lupus_blackfur Yes, I agree.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Susan Kaye Quinn 🌱(she/her) last edited by
@susankayequinn I agree!
@Paragone Adam Smith created a system that Reagan and his cronies tried to turn into the trickle-down theory. And you're right: does not work.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Green Roc Thoughts last edited by
@GreenRoc Yes — many of us stand right with you in this experience and these convictions.