What are some cheap hosting providers that don't suck?
What are some cheap hosting providers that don't suck? I will not accept Hetzner or Oracle.
@nelson What are you looking to host?
These days I recommend https://neocities.org and https://glitch.com.
And Netlify just started offering a free plan: https://stefanbohacek.online/@stefan/113634564196643248
@stefan I can't specify what exactly, but it's a fediverse instance.
@nelson I see. Are you open to managed hosting?
Lessons learned from running a single-person Mastodon instance | Stefan Bohacek
It's not for everyone, but worth a try!
@stefan Oh this is a useful link! Thank you! will check everything here out
@nelson Sure, no problem! Definitely feel free to follow up, would love to know what you ended up choosing!
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