This world is turning out less like the movie Idiocracy and more like the series Continuum.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Actually I'm using my dad's account. But yeah I still pay for Netflix and Hulu. Anything that isn't available anywhere though I'll go to the seas.
Actually, it's more like Revelations from the Bible. Trump is the devil, corporations are the horsemen, chatgpt is the mark of the beast and israel is in conflict. It's all right there!
Now if that made you scoff or roll your eyes, realize that conflating our real, actual lives with fiction is just as useful. It's entertainment, not prophecy. Can we just fucking stop already?
[email protected]replied to JackGreenEarth last edited by
The apes figured out how to make tools out of stone. They knew how to make fire and knew which plants they could and couldn't eat. People today aren't smarter than their ancestors because they have access to sophisticated tech.
ERROR: Earth.exe has crashedreplied to [email protected] last edited by
Also on ️Bay
[email protected]replied to Hemingways_Shotgun last edited by
By episode 6 I was on their side lol. When they steered away from violence and won over the public I was like ok I can get on board with this.
Nah. The existence of evolution in no way validates your pseudo-science racism. Billions of years of natural selection doesn't equate to your garbage notion that "certain people" shouldn't procreate.
Wow, you're right, it IS like Revelations!
Possibly linuxreplied to [email protected] last edited by
Honestly the world is much better than it was.
For instance, around 140 million people were killed in WWI and WWII.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
IIRC, the movie had no eugenics component. You appear to be conflating the concept of "darwinism" (natural selection) with the concept of "eugenics".
The concept of "reproductive rights" allows for individuals to make their own selections for themselves and their offspirng; those choices do not constitute "eugenics" until they are imposed in another.
If the state is not applying selective pressure, it is not eugenics.
Wasn't The Book of Revelation just an acid, fever dream fanfic about Nero coming back from the dead? Kinda not relevant.
[email protected]replied to Admiral Patrick last edited by
Ooh the guy from Dark Matter is in this? I'll have to watch it now.
Hemingways_Shotgunreplied to [email protected] last edited by
In some ways I think they always were about non-violence. Kagami clearly only resorted to the bombing when they had nothing else to lose. The female leader (Sonia I think her name was) was on that side of things as well, while Roger Cross' character (I think his name was Travis?) was the militaristic one.
Admiral Patrickreplied to [email protected] last edited by
Yeah, but he's mean in Continuum lol
Hemingways_Shotgunreplied to Possibly linux last edited by
That's correct. It IS better than it was. And it's important to KEEP it that way. But in case you haven't noticed, world history is following pretty much the exact same path beat-for-beat that it did in the lead up to that war that cost 140 million lives.
It's not whether we are better off than we were in the past. It's a question of whether or not we're going to stay that way. Because the next world war might claim a billion or more. (exaggerating for effect of course)
I'm aware. Feel free to read my entire comment.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
It's all Patrick Duffy's dream, or that Canadian kid in a coma, or maybe the windfish
Hemingways_Shotgunreplied to [email protected] last edited by
Kazinsky probably "killed himself" because he took a look at the world of 2023 and realized that no one listened to a single word he said.
Hemingways_Shotgunreplied to [email protected] last edited by
It's Tommy Westphall's world. We're just living in it.
[email protected]replied to Hemingways_Shotgun last edited by
"Killed himself" by Mark Zuck, that's it!
[email protected]replied to Hemingways_Shotgun last edited by
Yeah, and I hate to say it but in some cases you need violence to make any change. You can protest the companies all you want 24/7 but they'll just ignore you and keep doing what that want. The BLM protests resorted to this because "no one was listening to us and we keep dying". It's not the best solution but what else is there.