Everything about this story is terrifying, but the cherry on this shit sundae is that they are pushing changes directly to prod.
replied to Matt Blaze last edited by
@mattblaze The people who think they are good at everything because they are good at coding are also bad at coding.
replied to evacide last edited by
@evacide @mattblaze Paging Dunning and Kruger ….
replied to evacide last edited by
@evacide @mattblaze these young privileged pricks all have zero experience with failure (both through youth and privilege), so they won’t have any inhibitions about acting on all the shitty ideas they’ve got.
As the end goal seems to be chaos and the untraceable transfer of money to Musk and friends, them bringing everything to a grinding halt of smoking technical rubble while being personally associated with it, is probably a perfectly acceptable outcome for Musk.
replied to evacide last edited by
@evacide @mattblaze You can see how rudimentary his code is. He finally added shell scripts to do linting.
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replied to Matt Blaze last edited by
@mattblaze @evacide "Move fast and break things"?
replied to evacide last edited by
@evacide https://github.com/markoelez/TinyZero
assuming that this is indeed his github (which is not confirmed at all), his latest activity from 3 days ago is forking a counting module for deepseek
replied to evacide last edited by
replied to ⠠⠵ avuko last edited by
Every dev and admin has borked prod at least once in their career. But that's also why they're generally limited to less critical systems at first and subjected to more peer reviews until they've had a few years under their belt to fuck up.
@avuko @evacide @mattblaze -
replied to Laurens Hof last edited by
@laurenshof @evacide holy shit thats a scoop right there
replied to Jess👾 last edited by
@JessTheUnstill @evacide @mattblaze as an admin in the beginning of my career, I can vouch this is true.
I’ve also had things grind to a halt starting in infosec (and maybe a little bit later on too ).
This is why checks and balances, DTAP, peer-review, etc. etc. and yes, even seniority (as in experience, not just time on the job) matter.
replied to RRB last edited by
@rrb @mattblaze @evacide Well they just broke US Democracy
replied to ⠠⠵ avuko last edited by
Yeah, I've seen some folks who have been in tech for 30 years who still act like they're hot shots who are 1000x smarter than anyone else and don't need to follow any rules or processes... Meanwhile I'm often ending up in "okay, I know this change is risky as fuck, but unfortunately, there's basically nobody else around that understands this code well enough to actually do more than a surface level 'looks good' ... So ... Rubber duck it 5 times get that "looks good", make a backout plan and hope?
replied to Jess👾 last edited by
@JessTheUnstill @avuko @evacide @mattblaze Of course, when the interns fuck up, they are the ones who will get the blame and Musk will just walk away with the money.
replied to Dustin Lang last edited by[sarcasm mode enabled]
What are the cool kids programming in these days? Surely there is a Docker container loaded with NPM/NodeJS COBOL bridge stuff with only 30X more brittle dependencies, 50X worse performance and merely 100X the attack surface?
Y'know, using something like what's in this GitHub repo that hasn't been touched in > 4 years: https://github.com/IonicaBizau/node-cobol/
With fElon Musk behind it, I'm sure it will be like Full Self Driving in no time!
Just run it in an AWS or other "cloud" hosting provider and sprinkle in some "AI" (ChatGPT, DeepSeek, OpenAI, I don't care and neither do the people behind those companies) and cryptocurrencies with cool USG NFTs to really make it scream 2025 DevOps du jour!
[sarcasm mode cool down]
Emphasis on scream.
replied to madopal last edited by
@madopal @evacide @mattblaze omg his most recently updated repo is working with deepseek lol
replied to emenel last edited by
@emenel @madopal @evacide @mattblaze
Lordy lordy, this cannot be real. Please tell me this isn't real.
It's the Seek in DeepSeek which seems like it could be somewhat problematic.
Something needs to be commited.
replied to Punch Fascists Liberally last edited by
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