"In the afternoon, Elon Musk spoke to the crowd, throwing two salutes that right-wing extremists, including neo-Nazis, interpreted as Nazi salutes."
EarthMommareplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
Note how his upper teeth are folded tightly over his lower lip? This is a VERY INTENTIONAL SALUTE
A SPECIFIC salute and he shoved it up there multiple times to make sure everyone was specifically aware he was doing THIS SPECIFIC salute.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to EarthMomma last edited by
@LaNaehForaday I saw that, too, and the hostility and what I read as outright hate on his face. This was a deliberate, planned, full-body and facial gesture and he knew exactly the audience he would reach with it.
@wdlindsy Josh Marshall is also one of the ‘resistance’ grifters who makes a living off of these politics. So i suggest moving on to read The Lever or something rather than the ‘resistance’ of fixating on Trump all day
Kenneth M Sweeneyreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
"This photograph of Elon Musk giving a Nazi salute while standing behind the seal of the President of the United States summarizes the reprehensible first day of the second Trump regime. This gesture was no accident. The richest man in the world gave Hitler’s sieg heil not once, but twice in rapid succession."
~ Steven Beschloss
Snapshot: Fascism Day One
Nazi salutes, pardons for violent criminals, threats of foreign invasion
Icare4Americareplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
Such Bull Shit!!! He did no such thing!
RealGravitasreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
@wdlindsy I do think that branding is going to play a big role in the new regime, and we have to counter it, both by rejecting their brand and by coming up with some brands of our own. This is one of the core principles in Snyder's book (On Tyranny) and it can be very effective in bullying the rest of us into complying.
Therefore, (1) we cannot succumb to fear, which leads to pre-obeying, and (2) we must counter the behavior. -
@wdlindsy it is as clear as ever: MAGA = Nazi.
Glitzersachenreplied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
Well, I am German, not a Nazi, but a lay student of history with a bit of a focus on the Third Reich.
I also very much think it was a nazi salute ...
Absolutely obscene. A complete perversion of our democratic symbols by an illegal immigrant White Supremacist scumbag. That is what MAGAt exults. Violent scumbags. 🤬 ️ -
William Lindsey :toad:replied to Icare4America last edited by
@icare4america If you say so, then I'm quite sure it's true — and damn all the neo-Nazis and right-wing extremists who know a Nazi salute better than anyone and celebrated the Nazi salute that they saw.
But if you say so, then what you say has to be true….
@Subterfuge Please do you, and I'll keep doing me and listeniing to sound advice and totally ignoring unsound and absurd advice.
William Lindsey :toad:replied to William Lindsey :toad: last edited by
"We're living in a media environment where the truth has become nearly impossible to state directly. A billionaire can make a gesture that neo-Nazis celebrate as explicitly supporting their cause, and major news organizations feel compelled to describe it as 'exuberant' rather than risk saying what it actually appeared to be."
~ Parker Molloy
#ElonMusk #Trump #Nazis #media #CorporateMedia
/8News Organizations Are Tiptoeing Around What We All Saw
How fear of litigation shapes coverage of influential figures
@wdlindsy That kind of aggressive gesture plus the teeth-grabbing of lower lip fools no one. That’s a bully and a thug.
@wdlindsy “Why are mainstream outlets so reluctant to state the obvious? The answer lies in our broken defamation laws and the way wealthy individuals can weaponize them against critics. This is a legitimate free speech crisis." >
@wdlindsy welcome to all out fascism. And this is only the beginning.
@wdlindsy (cont) "Remember what happened to Media Matters? As Andy Craig points out, they 'simply shared screenshots of major corporate ads running next to literally Hitler stuff and he sued them into mass layoffs and got two states to open criminal investigations of them.’ The chilling effect was immediate.” // Now see, that I did not know.
@wdlindsy They are trying to make you doubt what you see.
This is all textbook fascism.
@androcat Yes, you're right.
@MoiraEve Yes, very valuable commentary.