I have a slide for work with the title 'Wordpress' and a picture of a 500lb giant sea bass, and it makes sense to me
Lol reworded my fun question
shom π§π·π€ΏποΈπͺβπ½replied to Adrianna Tan last edited by
@skinnylatte Hugo is like coral, it will stay exactly how you last saw it, won't interact but allows many simultaneous visitors, unless the server gets too hot and the whole thing crashes.
@skinnylatte Squarespace is tilapia.
@skinnylatte typo3 is a guppy, or rather lots of them. Many cute and round fishes = convenient templates for most of the things you'd like to do but if you wanna attack = really get to work they vanish into something stingy so it's unaccessible for you.
Apache is coral.It's elegant, simple, and lasts forever, but falls to dust if the environment changes too much.
@DopeGhoti nginx is parrotfish.. because it eats coral, and poops it out and becomes white sand??
@skinnylatte Google Blogger is a coelacanth. A living fossil that a lot of people assume went extinct but is still out there just swimming around and not changing for anything, ever.
I had a blog on blogger for years. Then the bots came and took down photos for copyright infringement. Photos that I had taken myself and posted there.
@FranceskaMann @skinnylatte Oh no! Did Google send you notifications? I'm not sure how I'd know if that had happened to me.
I'm trying to figure out what to do. I have a Blogger site stretching back 16 years, with a few hundred posts. Blogger's share buttons have no Mastodon nor Bluesky option, and *do* have Twitter and Facebook and Pinterest which I can't remove.
I'm thinking Hugo, to be able to preserve the existing URLs arbitrarily. I need to spend time looking at alternatives.
@dgentry @FranceskaMann i used to use hugo, but i'm really into 11ty now mostly for the community and ease of use and upkeep
Jeff Miller (orange hatband)replied to Adrianna Tan last edited by
@skinnylatte Microsoft OneNote is a moray eel colony, defends its turf and holds on tight to its pages in a set of tabs / tunnels.