Signal has no ads, no trackers, no surveillance.
Signal has no ads, no trackers, no surveillance.
It is time to install it.
It is a nonprofit
It is time to donate.
Donate to Signal Private Messenger
Your donation helps pay for the development, servers, and bandwidth of an app used by millions around the world for private and instantaneous communication. Please make a donation today.
Signal Messenger (
Donating to Signal helps pay for the servers, bandwidth, and ongoing development to ensure that Signal remains available to the millions of people around the world who count on it to protect their privacy.
Why Signal is now the best free video call alternative to Zoom and Meet
The free end-to-end encryption and privacy-centric messaging service Signal announced a significant update to its video calling. The messaging app added support for reusable call links, emoji reactions, hand raising, and more to its group video conferencing, making it a viable alternative to Zoom and Google Meet.
Signal is now the best free video call alternative to Zoom, Meet, and Teams
The free end-to-end encryption and privacy-centric messaging service Signal announced a significant update to its video calling. The messaging app added support for reusable call links, emoji reactions, hand raising, and more to its group video conferencing, making it a viable alternative to Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.
Coywolf News (
@estelle the whole “free” thing makes me nervous. How are they making money to support the service?
@wndxlori They're a non-profit. Donations.