Hello, I'm essjay an ageing woman based in the UK for now.
I'm a musician / songwriter and am working on completing my first album of my songs.
In style they are 'old school' blues and jazz tinged songs, recorded in a mostly analogue fashion.I'm an Ace lesbian who can be romantically attracted to other women.
I have a bad habit of falling in love too easily, too cheaply and usually with the wrong person. See the other pinned post in my profile.I keep active with archery and walking. I'm an occasional photographer.
My beliefs are aligned with Taoism.I'm interested in:
LGBTQIA rights ️
Equality for all:
Nobody is free until we are all free.
Nobody is equal until we are all equal.I am here to talk about music, the arts generally, archery, ideas, the arcane and the esoteric.
Being Ace, I will block anyone who shoves nudity / genitalia onto my timeline.
Likewise anyone who does the same with bigotry.I have been called 'random' on several occasions.
I wear that as a badge of honour.