Blergh. I see I've reached the phase of HRT which has adverse impacts on sleep π« Thankfully, if I understand correctly, this isn't expected to last long.
@robin huh, I didn't notice those.. then again my sleep cycle is fucked.
@thisismissem Yeah, apparently a fairly common side effect in the low dose phase I usually sleep like a log!
@robin oh, TIL, I totally didn't notice that
@robin @thisismissem
Progesterone helps with sleep, and it can get some providers over their reluctant to prescribe it (for no reason).Just in case you want to try that out
@jenniferplusplus @robin @thisismissem Oh wow. I didn't know that! I started P a few months ago and my sleep cycle is _perfection_ now. Still only sleep between 5-8 hours, but its now incredibly restful.
Also has helped my sleep. You can see it clearly on my sleep trackers. Not a cure-all (chronic insomnia is a PITA still), but _definitely_ helpful.
Fun fact: This is partly because with oral progesterone it produces above-typical levels of metabolites like allopregnanolone and pregnanolone, and a lot of these have sedative effects.