it has been 0 days since a journalist asked me if foone was my real name
@[email protected] @[email protected] ok but consider FAT32
@puppygirlhornypost2 @lapt0r oh yeah. if I did it now, I'd totally just rock it and call myself "Foone Alan Turing, the 32nd" so I could be FAT32
@dysfun exactly. humans need a right to repair
@HoustonDog @dan that'd be a good hacker name, tbh.
a non-maskable interrupt is what many toddlers and some cats should be named
@foone Also people really cling to the idea that you can only have one real name. “Chip” is just as real as “bytex64”. My mom calls me one and the internet calls me the other but they’ve both been in use for decades.
@foone But what about a middle name though? That's the secret I want to know. What cool middle names did you pick when you have Foone Turing as bookends
My name is Foone B. Mandelbrot.The B stands for Benoit B. Mandelbrot.
And just read that last sentence as many times as you want
@bytex64 yeah exactly! I've had dozens of names in different contexts over time, it's perfectly fine
@foone is Schema the guy who types up the cards?
@lydiafacts probably
@foone Before my name was Rabbit journalists kept asking me that and saying they couldn't cite me because I wouldn't let them use my legal name. Now it's my legal name and none have asked. I am disappoint.
@ra6bit awww!
@foone alright I need to make a site with counters where people reset them. No pii no login just 4 digit pin to reset a counter.
@grumpasaurus that's actually on my todo list, making a site (and a device) like that. I make this joke so much, I might as well
@foone it's actually a method I use for legitimate milestones I have on some of my colleagues performance evaluations.
"3 months where I don't need to log into xxx tool to aid in investigating a live issue" something along those lines.
@grumpasaurus yeah, I've used it the same way at previous jobs
I've always wondered - is the origin from "Fork/Spoon" or something even cooler? -
@JessTheUnstill It's "FOO" (as in the metasyntactic variable, comes from a nonsense word in a 1930s comic strip) plus "NE" from a Commodore 64 glitch
@foone If the front says "foone", does the back say "boone"?
@scy Nope. But I did think about making my middle name "barne" at one point, to continue the foo/bar theme