I added multi-modal (image, audio, video) support to my LLM command-line tool and Python library, so now you can use it to run all sorts of content through LLMs such as GPT-4o, Claude and Google Gemini
@simon I was using an MP4 of 5 mb size. The error just says "internal error" I downloaded the video from here https://www.pexels.com/video/catching-and-releasing-a-big-carp-fish-in-the-lake-5538137/
@xsc I've seen a few of those "Internal error" messages too - I think it's Gemini being a little bit flaky, sometimes resubmitting works fine the second time
@florenciocano @djh @simon
Just not very useful for solving maths problems that haven't already been solved and scraped into the training data
And students are supposedly using this to cheat on their homework? -
@bornach @florenciocano @djh media right - LLMs are notoriously bad at math (and logic puzzles too)
@simon I was using the following command
> llm 'please explain what is happening in the video' -a man-in-water.mp4 -m gemini-1.5-flash-latest
Does it look like it should work?
@xsc yes, if you have the llm-gemini plugin installed and configured with an API key
You could try using this script here (or using Google's AI Studio tool) ti check it's not an LLM bug: https://til.simonwillison.net/llms/prompt-gemini