Good day from 7:30am -land!
Good day from 7:30am -land!
We got a 'sunrise' alarm last night. I set it up to only do the fake sunrise and make no sounds, set the alarm time for 5:15 and the sunrise to last 45 minutes, so in my brain that went to 6am where it would be fully bright and Alex's 'get up' alarm would go off, but what actually happened is it got fully bright and then went off at 5:30 XD But we had both woken up and started snoozing by then and both felt a bit more awake getting up this morning even with that -
little bit of simulated sunrise and even though it went dark again when it switched itself off.
So I need to figure out how it works, maybe it goes to 15 minutes after the alarm time is set to give you 15 mins of extra 'morning light' or something
Anyway it also has a very pretty ambient light setting in nice pastel colours
@welshpixie sunrise lamps are great. Weird that yours times out. Mine basically did the gradual brightening, and by alarm time it was basically just a lamp.