Thumbnails for imgur plugin
Plugin that allow to add extra parameters for img's code

to see original or thumbnail pictures, attached to post.
Thumbnails can be opened in popup via lightbox, fancybox or colorbox (can choose library in ACP).For example, small thumbnail [90x90]:
convert to:
<a href="" class="fancybox"> <img src="" /> </a>
P.S.: Table of thumbnails on
GitHub - psychobunny/nodebb-plugin-gallery: This NodeBB plugin feeds all posted images into a lightbox gallery
This NodeBB plugin feeds all posted images into a lightbox gallery - psychobunny/nodebb-plugin-gallery
GitHub (
something like this maybe?
GitHub - psychobunny/nodebb-plugin-gallery: This NodeBB plugin feeds all posted images into a lightbox gallery
This NodeBB plugin feeds all posted images into a lightbox gallery - psychobunny/nodebb-plugin-gallery
GitHub (
something like this maybe?
this plugin not working
This plugin allow to load raw image and after manipulate with it.
It's very expensive to load original images, if you have 30-50 or more on the page.
I need to use thumbnails on page, generated via imgur. -
May be I can write handler, but I can't understand how to hook standard composer before render html.
Anybody can explain? -
Any body can explain where this place in nodebb, which transform markup to html?