It makes me sad that some #fediverse and #activitypub
It makes me sad that some #fediverse and #activitypub
advocates don’t believe a pluriverse of social web protocols is possible;that’s literally all the web has ever been. Additive, composable stacks.
It was never that *one* protocol. It’s the mixing and matching of multiple protocols - like http+html ad infinitum - that makes the World Wide Web so resilient.
Plurality is the web’s superpower; the more you fight it the more the pluralists will route around you instead of with and through you.
@erlend Hmmm, this is a bit weak. There is only one Internet Protocol (that matters), and we're all (arguably) better for that. The rag-bag of technologies needed to get information to display on a web browser is more a hindrance than a help.
The world progresses by expansion and contraction. Expansion is the push to new territory, contraction the refinement and survival-of-the-fittest. Ultimately everything on this planet is... organic, including, and especially, progress.