Hey if the 4B movement catches on in the US, then the anglosphere will finally realize just how transphobic some kpoppers can get
@reclaimingtrans korean feminism sounds so good until you realize that there was a debate about whether it was ok to doxx gay men and that the pro-doxxing side won
Claire, The Ultimate Worrierreplied to Sturm und Drag last edited by
@julieofthespirits @reclaimingtrans yeah a lot of "feminist" movements outside the west seem to really fucking hate gay guys
@waitworry @reclaimingtrans I mean one of the feminist movements that most hates gay guys is the british feminist movement
also I'm not entirely solid on the history of korean feminism but from what I know one of the problems seems to be the influence sheila jeffreys has there and her frequent visits to the country
so maybe we shouldn't make it a west/the rest thing
@julieofthespirits And part of fighting this will have to be offering better analysis, strategies, resources, etc because unfortunately radfems are sometimes the first people folks find when they're trying to find political movements that are fighting shit like rape and sexual violence. If people only know about bullshit liberal feminism and radical feminism, a lot of survivors will choose radical feminism until they realize what they've gotten into and/or find something better like anarcha feminism or trans feminism. We need to help more people find actual good feminism instead of reactionary crap.
@waitworry @reclaimingtrans a lot of times the issue is more "the more fucked up a country's feminist movement is, the more anglosaxon influence it tends to have"
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] England is truly amazing for being a large part of so many fucked up Matryoshka dolls
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] considering Britain's extremely negative and lasting influence on so many things, perhaps it's appropriate that the only direction the U.S. could go is "SUPERSIZE IT"
@aud @reclaimingtrans @waitworry the us is bad because the uk created it
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] I often not-jokingly say "WE LEARNED IT FROM YOU" whenever Britain tries to posture about the many moral failings of the U.S.
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] rest of Europe isn't getting a pass on that either, while we're on the subject
(special points to the U.S. for teaching Nazi Germany a thing or two. and by points I mean "fuck all these people")