media portrayal of hackers: dude I’m hacking the pentagon bro.
media portrayal of hackers: dude I’m hacking the pentagon bro. slaps government secrets up for ransom haha easy money
actual hackers I’ve met in hacktivist groups: sis I found this old ass nannycam has uart. It’s now being used as a camera for my 3D printer enclosure bc I didn’t want to spend $$$ on a webcam when I had this laying around. -
wow this vacuum cleaner has a microchip I can run linux on. wouldn’t it be funny?
It’s really weird how using things you had laying around for new purposes that the original manufacturer didn’t design the product for is seen as a grave sin equal to leaking military secrets. I’m so scared of people taking old end of life kindles and installing linux on them or repurposing things like the e-ink display on certain models for other projects. How dare they?! Amazon didn’t consent.
:labrys-xf-p: HighPriestessTerra :labrys-xf-b: :xf_lesknife:replied to Amber last edited by@puppygirlhornypost2 there cant be people like this in the real world. thats fucking crazy. wouldnt most people find reusing shit instead of throwing it out kinda neat?
Amberreplied to :labrys-xf-p: HighPriestessTerra :labrys-xf-b: :xf_lesknife: last edited by
@[email protected] no my mother constantly gets onto me to throw away the "junk" (old computers and such i repurpose for other things). People don’t see the novelty in it