Stumbled across this post from 2023, and I'm not going to call out the person who made the post because I'm sure they regret it now, but this was exactly the kind of smug judgments people who blocked Threads received at the time.
Stumbled across this post from 2023, and I'm not going to call out the person who made the post because I'm sure they regret it now, but this was exactly the kind of smug judgments people who blocked Threads received at the time.
There was this whole moralizing position about how poor little Threads never did nothin' to hurt nobody and we were being so arbitrary and denying choice to people on our instance.
No recognition of the fact that my instance saw massive growth, for the first and last time, the day I announced I'd never federate with Threads.
Anyway, get a load of this shit from Dec 2023:
Now that #Threads has begun the process of #Federation with the greater #Mastodon community (and the #Fediverse in general), I am seeing more and more instances that are electing to #defederate from Threads pre-emptively.
This means that they are not giving their users the choice as to whether they want to see this content.If your Admin has decided to arbitrarily block Threads, and you wish to have access to the thriving #community there moving forward, I would suggest looking to #migrate your account to another instance that is maintaining Federation with Threads.
This aged about as well as a dirty diaper.
This means that they are not giving their users the choice as to whether they want to see this content.
Boo hoo, go make your own.
This reasoning completely falls the fuck apart the first time you realize that every person on your instance does not need to independently re-discover for themselves that detroitriotcity is full of assholes.
Also, when it comes to blocks, we didn't commit "violence" against anybody.
We blocked an abusive instance, for fuck's sake, touch grass.
And maybe it wasn't abusive. Maybe we just quickly realized that we would inevitably be in conflict someday, and opted to preserve our precious supply of spoons.
@[email protected] clearly we should continue federating with Holocaust deniers, misogynists, homophobes, transphobes, flat earthers, anti vaxxers and so much more
@puppygirlhornypost2 If we don't stay and Resist, they win the platform!
I felt like people have never been honest about this.
If LibsOfTikTok created an account on, we'd be like "What the fuck," And if they said "Well, she has the right to share her views just like anyone else" we'd defederate so fucking fast--there'd be a mass exodus, like everyone would finally be like, " has jumped the shark and is now welcoming alt-right propagandists."
We'd quickly discover that there is a line you can't cross, even if you're "too big to defederate."
People would be like, "Anyone know of a good instance? Mine wants to platform nazis."
And that's what we'd do to an instance on the fediverse. It's not even special treatment. Threads isn't getting special treatment.
Threads has LibsOfTikTok. It has Proud Boys and the whole fucking cavalcade of nazis.
But it's big, and that's what it really comes down to. People having a lot of FOMO that they'll miss out on all the good accounts from Threads. They'd rather us play whack-a-mole account by account, rinse repeat, hundreds of millions of times.
But with this urgency to connect with senpai, I always have felt that people like this are expressing a sort of contempt for the people who are already here.
Like.... we're not enough. We're not legit. If only some of those OTHER people would come here.