New Folder
Team WinRAR!
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Now that I think of it my folder structure is so fucked
Here's the picture: I have a 3tb SSD, and in that I have five folders, let's focus on the folder named ' archive'.
I was so lazy that instead of filtering through my old shit so that archive is neat and tidy, I just copy pasted it in.
For your information, the shit I copy pasted into archive has the same folder names as one folder upwards, so there is basically two exact schemas just a folder downAnd in the archive folder, there is another archive folder. It's filled with garbage.
Oh, besides my SSD, the exact same folder has its copy in my own home folder and they're both pinned, but they don't mirror so I sometimes have to check the archive, sometimes the home, sometimes the one that stores the archive
TheTechnician27replied to [email protected] last edited by
7-Zip is better and isn't shitty nagware
[email protected]replied to ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed last edited by
Or you learn hex and can go to 15 with one digit.
ERROR: Earth.exe has crashedreplied to [email protected] last edited by
1 2 3 ... 8 91 92 93 ... 98 991 992 993
(Basically, when you get to 10, instead of using 10, add a 1 after 9 to make it 91, then continue with 92. Instead of 100, make 99 to 991, then continue with 992
I think once you get burned once you build these things into your habits. Keep them even when the whole process has been revamped. Maybe that's just me.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
New Folder (2)
[email protected]replied to ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed last edited by
Wow, this is great! Works perfectly if you only care about the order of the files. However, if you wanted e.g. the 238th file or know which index file 99993 is, that's a bit more of a headache.
You'll also run into filename length limits quite quickly, since the number of files scales linearly with the number of characters in the filename, compared to exponentially with the 01 method.
ERROR: Earth.exe has crashedreplied to [email protected] last edited by
Okay so if you ever run out of character spaces, create another folder. Don't rename it yet. Select all folders, and then un-select your new folder. Move then all those folders to the new folder. Name the new folder "1", then create a folder "2". Any new folders should be inside this folder "2". The original folders are now referred to as "Level 1 Inception", your new folders "1" and "2" are now "Level 2 Inception"
Whenever you run out of name length for your "Level 2" folders, you do the same trick and now you have 3 levels of Inception.
You could do this infinitely (until your system crashes).
[email protected]replied to ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed last edited by
Typically, whatever I'm doing I have a history of doing before, and can anticipate whether I'll need <10, <100, etc. folders, and name accordingly.
I also name my month folders "01 - January" and my date folders YYYY.MM.DD so they sort properly. I really hate when people use MM.DD.YY in folder names--or even worse M.D.YY. Fuck those people.
[email protected]replied to TheTechnician27 last edited by
Nagware, oh my sides that's top 10 funniest things
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
What about New Folder (1)?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Ok I think I need this as an icon theme
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Who says I can't use hexatrigesimal?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Nah, too much effort
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Me being the way I am, if we worked together in shared folders, I would die.
My current colleagues already somewhat annoy me by not properly version numbering so you have no clue what file in a unsorted folder is the latest, or naming a folder with a date like: "14 Feb 24" like some hecking heathens.
YYYY.MM.DD (or other delimiters) or gtfo.
This concludes my 2 cents only partially related to yours haha
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
We don't speak of 'New Folder (1)'