4/ Via Seattle Times:
“Frankly, I have difficulty understanding how a member of the Bar could state unequivocally that this is a constitutional order,” the judge said of Trump’s birthright citizenship executive order.
“It just boggles my mind.”
Oh, I'm sure Eileen Cannon can explain how it's perfectly constitutional for Trump to overturn anything in the constitution.
@Wileymiller You mean soon to be SCOTUS Justice Cannon?
No...the soon to be CHIEF Justice.
@Wileymiller Roberts may want a few more years to fuck with us though
Oh, he'll still be there. Trump will just demote him. -
@Wileymiller @GottaLaff Can't. Wish he could, actually. Then at least the corruption would be clear even to the most willfully misguided.
No, no, no, no, NOOOO. This is precisely the thinking that's gotten Trump where he is...in the WH instead of prison. No matter what stupid, illegal, unconstitutional thing Trump sets out to do, rational, law abiding people say, "oh, he can't do that"...then he goes right ahead and does it. And it's exponentially worse now because he has complete immunity and doesn't have to worry about reelection. There's NO ONE who can or will stop him from doing anything. -
@Wileymiller @GottaLaff I feel you, but no, things aren't that bad (yet). Here's why: presidents now are immune from *criminal* liability for actions taken in their "core" functions. But that doesn't mean everything they do will be ruled *valid* or will be *obeyed*. For example, if Trump decreed himself a dictator and ordered Congress and SCOTUS disbanded, both Congress and SCOTUS would (at least at this point) find that order unconstitutional and without effect. (But hypothetically he couldn't be jailed for making that order, the way South Korea's president has been.)
Yes, he will chip away at that, but at this point he still needs to keep picking away at the edges. And we need to keep fighting him around the edges, never ever giving him a break.
@msbellows @Wileymiller @GottaLaff We actually don’t know that they’d find it unconstitutional. They intentionally never defined official nor unofficial acts. Only reason they’d find it unconstitutional is because they’d be the ones losing power, if it wasn’t them I wouldn’t be shocked for them to somehow support Trumps decision.