"A.I. is going to transform the way we develop software"
In what ways?
"Well, you need to be precise about your requirements, work in short feedback loops, be always cleaning up the mess it makes, and continuously test everything"
I see. Radical changes.
replied to Jason Gorman last edited by
@jasongorman There is a reason why 5GL never took off…. And we’re about to learn the lessons of the 80s all over again, because hype bubble
replied to Chris Pitts last edited by
@thirstybear @jasongorman we can only get improvements by raising the level of abstraction until we reach the problem domain. We know this since Brooks published “No silver bullet” in 1986. Representing the essential complexity of the world has so far required actual humans to do it (and it seems it still will for a little while)
replied to Javier Pérez last edited by
@jasongorman @flooper @thirstybear In which case we should treat LLM coding assistance as a negative signal. If LLMs can be useful in a language, it means the language requires too much boilerplate: that programmers must spend too much time writing the same functionality as every other user of the language instead of the unique application features that bring value.
replied to Nat Pryce last edited by
@natpryce @jasongorman @flooper @thirstybear This is what I've been saying all along. Any code that can be "written" (extrapolated) by an LLM is code that shouldn't exist, that's indicative of hostility of the language or lack of rigorous deterministic tooling for it.
replied to Cassandrich last edited by
@natpryce @jasongorman @flooper @thirstybear I learned this lesson waaaay back with MSVC++ 1.0 and the hideous MFC IDE integration, generating template source files you were supposed to edit. 🤮
replied to Cassandrich last edited by
@dalias @natpryce @jasongorman @flooper @thirstybear
Guillotines for a Better World (@[email protected])
"BUT THE #LLM HELPS ME CHURN OUT BOILERPLATE" I am once again begging you to try to imagine working towards a world where we don't need the boilerplate
mastodon.me.uk (mastodon.me.uk)
I [email protected] shared this topic
replied to Malcontent Negotiation last edited by
@pikesley @dalias @natpryce @jasongorman @flooper @thirstybear
This! Automation is not abstraction.
Was having a related conversation here (see a few posts upthread; this is the crux of it): https://hachyderm.io/@inthehands/113642646587593333
replied to Jason Gorman last edited bywhat do you get if you spell agile without a g? AI-le Software Development