Time for another lesson from my days fighting in the Mod Wars in one of Twitch's more famous and busy channels
ROFLMAO: toxic users identifying themselves! That's a brilliant perspective.
Must have taken a huge amount of work though. Huge kudos! -
@0xabad1dea I believe it's called 'grossness magnetism'. Or 'crankiness magnetism', if you don't mind the risk of confusing it with 'crank magnetism'.
Riley S. Faelanreplied to Steven Bodzin bike & subscribe last edited by
@stevenbodzin No, the broken windows theory is bullshit. Human indecency really is generally multifaceted.
@0xabad1dea -
@Giselle Just imagine putting up a nice sticky post saying "If you would like to be banned, just say "I object to pronouns!", and wait for the nearest mod to take care of you."
@0xabad1dea -
@riley @stevenbodzin @0xabad1dea
The Nazi Bar Problem, then.
@cavyherd Well, not all human indendency is of the Nazi kind. But we are unfortunate too live in an Interesting Time when the Nazi sort of indecent behaviour happens to dominate among badly behaving adults.
@riley @stevenbodzin @0xabad1dea
And the Nazi variety of bad behavior is certainly a strong predictor of other sorts.
@cavyherd Sometimes I suspect that congregations of Nazis outside places where Nazis have political power happen out of kids who do not like anybody seeking out other kids who do not like anybody, not as much for companionship but for predictability.
The *chan culture, unfortunately, looks a lot like exactly that sort of proto-Nazi congregation, with the main difference being that it tries to attract not as much kids who don't like anybody, but kids who believe that nobody likes them, and see public displays of dislike as a form of "honesty".
(As an aside, in alt-right parlance, "honesty" generally means "saying things appearing to affirm the Party Line". Used in a sentence: "Be honest!", by Melon Lusk, in the sense of "No, don't say that, say what the Party Line calls for".)
@riley @stevenbodzin @0xabad1dea
I have spent zero time in spaces that cultivate that kind of vibe (thank all the gods of Time & Space), but from what I gather, the *chan to Nazi pipeline is essentially a four-lane highway.
Exile culture fortress mentality would certainly seem like a plausible attitude to take on, in that space, being, as it seems to be, basically fear-based.
@cavyherd The thorny ethical issue then becomes: how much effort is reasonable to expend in pulling a patron away from a Nazi bar in the hope that he doesn't have a Nazi soul, just an empty soul attracted to a Nazi bar?
The answers are probably different for a single publican and a society as a whole, the difference taking a very strange form of the Prisoner's Dilemma.