featured image for posts
i enabled setting, assigned topic thumb to post and tried all default themes but unable to see it show up any where
Is it possible for @julian @psychobunny @baris to enable topic thumbnail in testing ground category (https://community.nodebb.org/category/4/testing-ground) so the feature can be tested?
Please move this post to category.
I confirmed this is a bug with all included themes for nodebb v1.0.0
If I switch to @pichalite's nodebb-theme-material the topic thumbnail does show instead of the user avatar.
@julian should a bug report be filed for each theme?
good to know it works on material theme
@nhl.pl @charles works for me on persona and latest master (unless the topic is created by guest)
EDIT: only works on official themes if the topic creator is a registered user with a picture uploaded for avatar. definitely a bug.
@charles fixed here https://github.com/NodeBB/nodebb-theme-persona/pull/263
should be part of next release.