[nodebb-plugin-blog-comments] Blog Commenting Engine (Ghost, Wordpress widget)
what commenting platform are you using? I'm definitely going to build those importers but after I get the rest of my TODOs out of the way
@psychobunny said:
what commenting platform are you using?
WP vanilla commenting system.
Btw, when did we lose the post edit feature?
Edit: Ok, so we did not lose it completely, but what is the time limit on it, and is it configurable?
That might have been fixed already, sorry missed this message
Also how would posts be imported without the comment users having an account? Unless you could merge the WP userbase with NodeBB?
Yeah I guess we could make all of them "anonymous". Writing a WP importer might be a lot easier than writing one for your average forum software, now that I think about it
Good work, i will testing it. =] -
@psychobunny said:
Yeah I guess we could make all of them "anonymous".
Rather than making all anon, would it be possible to use the names they used to post?
Yeah, I figure the right way to go about it is -
Every user that posted will have submitted their username and email (likely). We could email all of those users, and create a deactivated account for them. If they verify via email, activate their account. The only catch is if that username already exists on your forum...
Is there any special requirements for Nginx to get this working? When post request is made to https://community.ag-aus.org/comments/publish, I get an 502 error.
hey, did you remember to set up the blog's URL in the ACP? Also, what version of NodeBB are you running?
@julian there is no error in NodeBB as Nginx just drops the 502 error, the request seems not to make it to Node.. which is really weird. I mean the article wont actually publish to NodeBB from the blog. SO I can't exactly test any comments yet.
@psychobunny yes, I setup the blogs URL and category ID. And running v4.3.
When I try and simulate the request, I get a 403 {
"error" : "Forbidden"
}out of express.
All is well! had some JSON issues getting the blog deets, once I got that right it worked!
@psychobunny said:
Wordpress integration is finally here Check out the repo for setup instructions. Go for a test drive on my blog:
For me, the WordPress integration does not work. e.g.:
WordPress: example.com
NodeBB: sub.example.com
Console: XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://sub.example.com/comments/get/XXX/0. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://example.com' is therefore not allowed access.I'll try to add the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header with nginx.
@nodecode said:
@psychobunny said:
Wordpress integration is finally here Check out the repo for setup instructions. Go for a test drive on my blog:
For me, the WordPress integration does not work. e.g.:
WordPress: example.com
NodeBB: sub.example.com
Console: XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://sub.example.com/comments/get/XXX/0. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://example.com' is therefore not allowed access.I'll try to add the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header with nginx.
Okay, I think I've found the error. The posts were not loaded into the forum, therefore, returns the URL http://sub.example.org/comments/get/XXX/0 "502 Bad Gateway", and sets, unlike the plugin is written, no Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
So now that the permissions system is more or less rocking, does this mean something like this will be possible?
@julian Don't know how I missed your post here.
Would it be possible for a plugin to check what group a user is in? Similar to the if isAdmin currently. Or is this what you were referring to?
My plan is to have a group, with everyone who can post using this plugin inside that group. (Once it supports multiple sites)
@julian No idea.
The plan was to have multiple Wordpress powered sites using my forum as a comments platform, anyone in a certain group could use the comments system on their site. It's going back to this post that I made back when it only supported Ghost.
@psychobunny liked the idea and was added as an issue on github.