Theme Designer
And it still gets described as
NodeBB Mousetrap Plugin
(finally julian has fixed that 404 error )
But for some reason it only shows the pencil once I don't reload after restarting the server o_O
Yikes! I hope that's not the color for a public site...
didn't he said we should do it neon pink?
Come'n, dude. You did't have to take him at his word literally. But it may have to do with the fact that today is Valentine's Day and also a full moon .
@planner It's definitely the since valentines day is over here for 3.6h
Well, I'm sure there are a few couples in your neck of the woods for whom Valentine's Day is not over yet, if you know what I mean. So for them, it's not over until it's over
@planner said:
Yikes! I hope that's not the color for a public site...
And to answer your question: Don't you see there are two active participants As you may guess I'm frissdiegurke... but who is the guy called admin who uses my avatar?
see ya? it has to be public!
Happy Valentines Day