This project has been a long, slow build, enabled by people like Mohammed Mansour and Andrew Ritz and Lisa Klonk amd Chris Holt and Justin Slone and dozens of others across several years.
This project has been a long, slow build, enabled by people like Mohammed Mansour and Andrew Ritz and Lisa Klink and Chris Holt and Justin Slone and dozens of others across several years.
The alliances necessary to put the user first aren't self-assembling, but with the right values and a little bit of "what if?", we can make better more and more possible.
/via @ricmac
Alex Russellreplied to Alex Russell last edited by [email protected]
@ricmac It's always hard to find the single thing that sparks a long project arc, but one input into the process was a doc I wrote that compared the performance of Chrome and Edge WebUI surfaces on low-end devices, *with video*.
It took at least another year to start in earnest, and a lot of switchbacks have been traveled since, but never, ever underestimate the power of a side-by-side video that can be forwarded with a link.
@slightlyoff @ricmac that's why we've always used Polymer/Lit on the Chrome side; it's much closer to the "metal" than something like React - and even that's unacceptably slow in a lot of cases.
Glad Edge is moving in a more low-end-friendly direction!
@tess @ricmac Between Chrome, Edge, and Firefox all building primary UI out of Web Components, and developer tools like Chromium Devtools using them (and VSCode going even more hardcore on low-level DOM), I hope we can end the meme that anyone "needs" safety blanket frameworks designed to protect us from mythical the evils of IE8.
@slightlyoff Is there a blog post somewhere that covers the technical details of this transition (including some before-and-after code examples)? I think that would be especially helpful for devs "raised" on react that struggle with where to begin without it.
@jlunman Not yet; working on it
@slightlyoff @ricmac Why make browser UI in web stack, rather than native one like WinUI or Uno? That way it should be more performant.