I've been working on this for a few months now.
I've been working on this for a few months now. I want to take more time on it before I say it's truly ready, but some of the things on the #FediBlock and #InstanceBlock tags lately have made me decide to rush this out now: I'm seeing people talk about servers we've had blocked for over a year now, where #admins harass minorities, promote terrorism, and trade #CSAM.
I'm convinced this needs to be available sooner rather than later.
This is a #blocklist from an older, block-averse instance, with servers we've seen absolutely unacceptable content from over the years.
I encourage you to look over the reasons before you import, but be warned, many of these have CSAM and/or terrorism on the main timeline.
View the servers themselves at your own risk.
Importable CSV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H6TljzFoEtZ23QE_vaGlJUl6bC7J1I4J
THIS IS NEW: If y'all see anything that shouldn't be on there, respond and I'll recheck.
OCTADEreplied to Raccoon at TechHub :mastodon: last edited byThis is helpful. I've been looking for something like this so I can block all the p0rnz instead of having to find them one by one.
Anyone else having recommendations please share.
@octade @Raccoon lmao mastodongs are at it again
Probably half of the list is just "waaah I don't like you saying the nigger word", as usual.
If you do want to block for that sort of reason (or any other particular reason), https://fba.ryona.agency [maybe down currently] may be of use, though I've never tried the second search. Or http://demo.fedilist.com/, with some good keywords.
Alternately, attached is a list that I have saved (for later perusal, which I still haven't actually done) as "spambots", but IIRC it was intended to be a list of porn-posting bots, specifically... I think I got it from @jeffcliff? -
Now I have one more instance to add to my own blocklist--yours. Thank you for the help.
@[email protected]
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