Are there any #Nodejs experts in TLS/SSL who can review this pull request and comment as to if the implementation is correct?
Are there any #Nodejs experts in TLS/SSL who can review this pull request and comment as to if the implementation is correct?
fix(pg-connection-string): get closer to libpq semantics for `sslmode` by pmalouin 路 Pull Request #2709 路 brianc/node-postgres
Summary We have found that the handling of the sslmode connection string parameter is inconsistent with other PG libraries and with the reference libpq documentation. This PR proposes some changes ...
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This would be of a fantastic help to the Mastodon project.
@thisismissem @indutny I'll ping a few people in that PR.
@Trott @indutny thanks! We've been blocked on this for ages, and I just don't know the right things to do to move forwards here:
@thisismissem @indutny I don't know that I have anything helpful to suggest, but if there's a way I can assist, I'm happy to try.
@thisismissem @Trott sorry, it isn't entirely clear what kind of review I can provide on this. It seems to be more about compatibility with some other project than a pure TLS/SSL usage in Node.js
@indutny well, libpq supports SSL modes that aren't immediately obvious how to support in node.js