Your New Order Has Arrived
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
If the status quo was working, people would have gone with it
Why would they bother? Who actually represents them? Both major parties are corporate captured.
Well, this new alternative is working out wonderfully.
I remember when I discovered the CD would change from white decal to black with 1's and 0's all over it from the heat of being played
dude that was peak CD art with an amazing album that has a vivid theme and the biggest fuck you idiots we are all doomed no matter what
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
My mind was blown when it did that the first time for me, it was so cool
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
"BoTH siDes aRe the SAme!"
Did you see the hand?
In the spectrograph?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
i'M tOo LaZy To bE bOtHeReD WiTh BaSiC CiVic DuTy, So i BeLiEvE aNyOnE oNLinE wHo TeLLs Me ThAt bOTh ParTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe?
i'M sO pUrE!!!🤪🤩
Millions of self-destructively lazy, stupid mediocre people shouted in unison (again):
Vote for a woman? When PIGS fly!!!Or if Biden had remained in the race:
sLeePy JoE! LoL! -
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Correct! One of the most important tools we need to obtain, the most important weapon we need to arm yourself, isn't obvious, or simple, or easy.
It's Messaging.
Want to spend your time bitter? Apathetic? "I-told-you-so"?
I don't blame you.
But you're not actually working towards a solution. If all you have to say is "I told you so," or "what's the point?" or "everything's fucked" - I get it. But you're not contributing to the conversation any more than the people in this comic have been for the last how many years. You're not helping any more than they were.
We need messaging. We need to be willing to fight these battles. Not fighting the embittered trolls, but spreading truth. Sharing solutions. Making plans. Fighting this. Apathy. Pointlessness. Accelerationism.
Spread free platforms. Spread free ideas. Have meaningful conversations with your friends and families and coworkers. Try again, and keep trying. In little steps, in great acts. Don't let the shock paralyze you, the size overwhelm you. Don't get washed away by the flood of hate. This is the second best time to act. Your opportunities are growing by the minute.
Life is about to get very, very hard for many people. Many of the obvious targets will suffer, but it's pretty clear that nobody is "safe". Even the poster boys are under threat of retribution for stepping out of line. And everyone, everyone is facing the inevitable economic downturn that is speeding toward us.
But hardship shakes beliefs. It changes minds. Things will become personal for even the most detached, apathetic, or privileged. And when politics become personal all bets are off.
But don't bother if you're not going to try. Really, really try. Think about yourself, and the world, and the person you're talking to, and really try to make them see.
Take - and make - your opportunities to change minds. Don't be afraid, but be careful. Don't be polite for the sake of politeness, but be kind, be considerate, even be gentle when you think it will help, but don't be polite.
Whatever they can say to you can't compare to what is being done to you or about to be done to everybody. Whatever they say can't be worse than their complacency.
Your one and only goal: stay on message. This is bad and it needs to stop. Here is how it affects you. Here is how it affects your family. Here is how things are going wrong, and why.
More than anything else, we need each other. We need solidarity, community. We need to genuinely start asking ourselves: how do we win? And then make the answer happen.
We kneel beneath the weight of wealth and tradition and fear. But despite the growth of AI, at the end of the day the people we kneel beneath are people. Humans decide what happens next. They are human. We are all human. We can decide what happens next.
Take - and make - your opportunities to change minds. Don't be afraid, but be careful. Don't be polite for the sake of politeness, but be kind, be considerate, even be gentle when you think it will help, but don't be polite.
Not to put too fine a point on it: No.
The horses have been led to the water many times. They are welcome to drink whenever they choose. The time for talking is over.
Then you're not actually advocating for change. If you have no interest in changing minds then you have no interest in any meaningful difference in the future. Besides, the consent has been manufactured and the horses have been lead to a poisoned pool.
The apathetic dismissal of people as helpless - the belief that they are, individually and as a whole, incapable of change or redemption or worse, unworthy of it - is a small but meaningful part of the machine that has altered reality in front of our very eyes.
We appear to be in one of many pivotal moments in history, where economics and politics and technology all tip the dominoes that are human lives toward an entirely new and irreversible state.
Hard times tend to meet demagogues and easy answers, but they also tend to force people to come together and face hard truths. I'm not saying you personally can save or change them all - perhaps not even save any. But there are plenty of good, ignorant people that will have opportunities to learn some terrible lessons very soon.
We only really have one brand, its our own! Its the 3rd of our largest export! According to us the Serbs only stopped trying to reunite parts of Yugoslavia because we stopped exporting our animal crackers to them, so their country fell to ruins!
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Yeah, and 70 million people voted for a fascist.
More relevant than ever.
Unrelated, but just the other day I was thinking about an extremely offensive NIN t-shirt I had in the 90's. I wish I still had that shirt.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
I like you. Keep spreading the message.
PutItOutWithYourBootsTedreplied to [email protected] last edited by
Well said, my friend.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
One of them isnt trying install a theocracy.
Sure buddy, Dems might be nearly uselesss because of that, but they weren't actively trying to overthrow the goverment or kill democracy
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Liberate your minds, fellow lemmings.