What software is available to draw a network (social context) and rearrange the position of the connections on nodes so they appear more organized?
What software is available to draw a network (social context) and rearrange the position of the connections on nodes so they appear more organized?
I’m sketching out a network analysis of a wicked problem (over-policing of Black communities in the US) and need it to be easily digestible.
@Ashedryden I would diagrams.io
@KathyReid @Ashedryden I don't think it will reflow networks, though.
@Ashedryden stuff like this I use OmniGraffle. Maybe I’ll start with a .dot file to ingest a large graph, but OG lets me drag and drop the nodes around.
Very fiddle-able and customizable.
@davedelong @Ashedryden whoa wait can OG open dot files??
@numist @Ashedryden Yep! You get a little menu to pick your layout algorithm and then essentially get an entire OG document on the other side.
Here are screenshots of opening Example #1 from this page: https://graphs.grevian.org/example
@numist @Ashedryden One of the projects I worked on in Siri had some debug commands that would dump out .dot files of data dependencies that I would open up in OG to visualize. It was EXCEPTIONALLY useful.
@davedelong @numist @Ashedryden I’d do it with Omni Outliner files and Xcode projects.
@Ashedryden many years ago i used gephi to help me consolidate a bunch of twitter accounts, by mapping out my connections to whom i was following, and lumping them into loose circles based on the contexts in which i knew them. (for example, "these are the people i talk about music and bands with", versus "these are the people who i know from the android community back in the day", and so on.)
if you need more scale to your graph, this could be a good option.