Just read about the idea of making the TV license also apply to people who just watch Netflix or Disney etc.
replied to Em-squared last edited by
@emsquared can’t see how it could be enforced
replied to Bob Thomson last edited by
@bobthomson70 @georgelund Two! Dear me. I think the doorstep tactics are quite aggressive from what i've read but they're nothing to do with the BBC. Just like the private parking contractors you mentioned.
replied to Em-squared last edited by
@emsquared @georgelund to which the answer is of course, prove it
replied to John_Loader last edited by
@John_Loader I guess there are chancers who watch telly & just don't pay (my brother was like that. Never paid council tax, poll tax, TV license. You name it, he didn't pay it).
replied to Em-squared last edited by
@emsquared @georgelund even outside Scotland the parking thing seems to mainly rely on you just rolling over. I had one in Scotland about 2010 or so and ignored it and the letters got more and more threatening and then stopped. They have to prove in court some sort of loss and that it was very clearly signed etc. So not worth the hassle for them often.
replied to John_Loader last edited by
@John_Loader Might to be easier to enforce in a streaming only world. You have an IP address. Could move to having to put a payment code in to stream anything.
OK there would be hacks but easier to enforce compared to aerial and satellite. -
replied to Bob Thomson last edited by
@bobthomson70 @georgelund A tad easier in a streaming environment perhaps. IP address. I do wonder how much it actually costs for even the few prosecutions.
replied to Em-squared last edited by
@emsquared @georgelund doesn’t seem like it would be very good value for money no.
replied to Bob Thomson last edited by
@bobthomson70 @georgelund I just inform TV licensing i don't need a license every year (used to be every 2 years). I presume i'm not hassled (many are with doorstep bullying and letters) because i'm not showing up buying new telly's etc (retailers have to inform on you i believe).
replied to Em-squared last edited by
@emsquared @bobthomson70 to be fair very few people end up in jail these days. But 52,000 people a year in E&W end up with a criminal conviction, per https://fullfact.org/news/liz-truss-tv-licence-prison/
replied to George Lund last edited by
@georgelund @bobthomson70 I can't see a more up to date info for Scotland.