Call to Socket.IO from register.js returning err, as an empty object { }
I'm making a call from register.js to using the following function
function validateInviteCode(code, use, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; var invite_code_notify = $('#invite_code_notify'); if (!code.includes(':') || code.split(':')[1].length != 8) { showError(invite_code_notify, 'Invalid invite code'); return callback(); } socket.emit('plugins.invite.checkInviteCode', { code: code, use: use }, function(err, valid) { if (err) { console.log(err); app.alertError(err.message); return callback(); } console.log(valid); if (valid) { showSuccess(invite_code_notify, successIcon); } else { showError(invite_code_notify, 'Invalid invite code'); } callback(); }); }
and it's returning err as an empty object { }. This is my server-side listen for it:
checkInviteCode: function (socket, data, fn) {
checkCode(data.code, data.use, function(valid) {
console.log(data, valid);
fn(!socket.uid, valid);
} -
In your server code, looks like your responding with a boolean value
when it expects an Error object or null. You can use a ternary operator? :
to check the uid and send the appropriate response.Also, the data parameter should always be a plain object, and not a literal value.
fn(!socket.uid ? new Error("Invalid uid") : null, {valid: valid})
Ooops! I'm sorry haha, this headache is giving me coding troubles. Thanks!
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