OP: *Expresses frustration; elides some details*
@UlrikeHahn That's not to imply that everything I contribute has some wider, grander purpose. Absolutely not. But I need to set myself some kind of ground rules or else I'll be back to arguing with trolls about mandatory bike helmet legislation and bicycle registration, or something else unproductive for everyone involved. Maybe I should say that I try to be kind to those I'm talking to, and if I can't be kind, I probably shouldn't be talking to them.
@ravenbait @jenniferplusplus Sam, I couldn’t agree more that your rule is an important one, I just feel like it doesn’t go far enough. If I think on exchanges I’ve had here that were the worst, I think they’ve involved posts where I’ve responded because I felt there was something problematic or hurtful toward other, third parties in the mix, and the other person in the failed exchange I think felt the same, but from a very different perspective.. how do we navigate that?
@jenniferplusplus meh, this is a social network, you are not publishing in the void and cannot expect everyone to fit exactly your preferences in terms of what kind of reply you like.
@agaudeul @jenniferplusplus we can’t expect people to reply exactly the way we want. But we can call out patterns of bad behavior that are harmful to people who are often harmed by social media reply guys.
@jenniferplusplus @teotwaki Is there a way to limit/customize replies?
@peterbutler @teotwaki not on mastodon
@jenniferplusplus It seems like that should be at or near the top of the Features request list
Everyone should be able to control who can reply in any way they see fit (rather than have to constantly block, etc.), 4 sure
It’s more than OK to limit replies to certain groups. I could see that as a very useful feature — this post is for {x} list of people, etc.
I have a hard time ignoring replies myself, but I think it’s a skill one can practice. I’m trying it
@peterbutler It should be, yes. It's been an open request for 6 years, and it's easily the most upvoted feature request.
“Disable replies” feature · Issue #8565 · mastodon/mastodon
Most blogging systems and some social networks like Dribbble (possibly Instagram?) have a “disable comments/replies” feature. I wonder if it could be of use in Mastodon? Adding a “Disable replies” checkbox in the privacy controls when po...
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@UlrikeHahn there's a level of irony here that you're making this post into a debate
@Foxy indeed...I am well aware, and have been trying to proceed with caution...