will have a new organisational home @ODIHQ - pairing policy expertise with pro-human technology to build a global data infrastructure that encourages collaboration, stimulates creativity and fosters compassion - my original hope for...
- will have a new organisational home @ODIHQ - pairing policy expertise with pro-human technology to build a global data infrastructure that encourages collaboration, stimulates creativity and fosters compassion - my original hope for the web.
Open Data Institute (@[email protected])
We’re embarking on a significant project. We’re bringing @[email protected] - an open standard developed to give individuals & organisations greater control over their #data - into our broader #DataStewardship work. The Solid project, protocol, & community are becoming part of the ODI’s work to promote ethical #DataSharing & build a more transparent, secure, & user-centric data ecosystem. Together, we can shape a future where personal agency is respected & society & economy benefit.
Mastodon (