The biggest problem of humanity is that We are Animals pretending not to be Animals
If something a person create is unatural then it must be produced by something other then nature. How are we not a part of the natural world?
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
In my opinion, our mental capability does make us better as we are able to adapt and innovate much faster than regular animals would, which can get us out of awful situations.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Yes, we are very adaptable, which has allowed us to spread over pretty much the whole world and shape it to our needs. However, we also are destroying the ecosystem that keeps us alive, which is getting us into an awful situation entirely of our own making.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
We can and are doing terrible things, that I do agree with. But we can also do many great things. The fact that we can do so much as a species does, from my point of view, make us superior.
But we are nature, part of it, therefore everything we do is natural too, I totally convince of it. My problem is that some of us act like we were something apart from nature, above even.
That's my point. The way we use the words natural and unnatural are not congruent with their definition.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Care to cite these studies claiming human brains are intrinsically superior? The primary difference among mammals is the size and fold density. Koalas are famously smooth-brained, but other animals have greater memory and reasoning capability with larger, deeper folds. What they lack is language. Humans developed superior vocal cords, allowing great variation in speech patterns that jump started written language and, by effect, written history. Have you not seen the videos and reports of the incredible communication and logical capabilities of other animals such as dogs learning 300 commands and using 40+ speech buttons? Have you not heard the tales of octopus escape artists defeating locks?
Survival is what your parents and local community can teach you. But innovation and invention? You are the product of thousands of years of written language passing on more information than any single person could remember and more then any single community could develop on its own. The biggest brain in the world would sound like an idiot without language. We are not above animals, we just talk like we are.
[email protected]replied to [email protected] last edited by
Wouldn’t that still mean that we are superior? We are capable of understanding and exchanging between each other complex ideas which animals cannot do using their basic language . Sure they can do some impressive tasks, but is it really equal to the human mind which can innovate and invent using experiences of those who came before to build something new. As for the studies I will be honest and say that I have heard of them before but wasn’t 100% sure if they were true or real
That's a stupid question. As a collective, humanity is able to accomplish all these things.
Speak for yourself. I'm a filthy mo fo
Speciesism is a great word and it uses all of the tools of our language in a way that makes sense.
But someone decided at some point we should call this "Anthropocentrism" instead
Would an animal fart like that?
[email protected]replied to Jerkface (any/all) last edited by
Uhhh I would strongly disagree with that being a mainstream belief
Jerkface (any/all)replied to [email protected] last edited by
Do you consume non-human animals? Then you are probably psychologically dependent on ignoring all the ways they are the same as we are.
You're on the internet, anyone here might not be human
The next stage of evolution:
Animal -> Human -> Porn Bot -> ???