Of course it’s a simple complaint post that blows up instead of other ones.
Of course it’s a simple complaint post that blows up instead of other ones.
Internet, always be internet’ing.
Carlton Gibson 🇪🇺replied to Marijke Luttekes last edited by
@mahryekuh maybe there’s a real need for basic accessibility topics to be presented in a developer focused manner.
I know this stuff has lots on it already, but that doesn’t seem to be getting across, hence the complaint in the first place.
Marijke Luttekesreplied to Carlton Gibson 🇪🇺 last edited by
@carlton Maybe. I also see a general disregard for the craft and lack of knowledge in those who learn a framework first and skip the basics.
Carlton Gibson 🇪🇺replied to Marijke Luttekes last edited by [email protected]
@mahryekuh Well, I’m old… when I began, there were only basics… the frameworks came later. But that describes everybody who got into the industry later AND tried make a living, in the face of competition, low rates, and the grinding demands of economic determinism. Folks need to get a job.
In that context, “basics” are levelling up. Foundations?
Presented like that, it might not get folks feeling defensive.I recall many a grey beard making me feel bad as a junior for stuff I didn’t yet know.
Sometimes it makes sense to reduce the cognitive/maintenance/upkeep (CSS is evolving fast!) load by adopting a framework and taking a shortcut/putting a bunch of guardrails in place.
For me it’s a matter of staying focussed and productive instead of an unwillingness to learn. (2/2)
Simeon Nedkovreplied to Carlton Gibson 🇪🇺 last edited by
@carlton @mahryekuh > Presented like that, it might not get folks feeling defensive.
As a generalist (“fullstack”) I get a similar vibe from specialists e.g. the CSS crowd when it comes to Tailwind.
Yes, I’d love to be super proficient in CSS and implement it correctly 100% of the time.
Yet, it’s (only) one of several things that I need to tend to get a web app up and running. (1/2)
Marijke Luttekesreplied to Marijke Luttekes last edited by [email protected]
One perk of this going “viral” is that I’ve never received so many website bug reports in such a short amount of time (3–4).
Downsides of letting your website go semi-legacy.
Marijke Luttekesreplied to Simeon Nedkov last edited by
@simeon Heard, and I am partially guilty of what you’re describing.
My frustration is that we don’t recognize all these web dev things as separate crafts, which lead to subpar frameworks and solutions.
I can deal with Tailwind as long as I’m not the one using it, but things like React and the low-quality industrialization of the web is what drove me away from front-end development years ago. It just makes me sad, and also angry at times.