Senator Paula Simonsreplied to OddOpinions5 last edited by
@failedLyndonLaRouchite @erin Ok, you got me there. But perhaps at least I could say that my combo of masking and getting vaccinated has kept my viral load so low that I have neither felt symptoms nor infected any of my friends, family or colleagues?
Senator Paula Simonsreplied to josuetorres last edited by
@josuetorres Indeed. That is the question.
Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️replied to Senator Paula Simons last edited by
Clearly you're part of the lizard people's conspiracy agenda!
Hey, if the lizard people have this masking thing figured out then Go lizard people!
(yes, I'm joking.)
Spandex Grëghoundreplied to Senator Paula Simons last edited by
@Paulatics I blame the idiots who stoked anti-masking fervour for political and economic reasons. There's no reason for it. If you don't want to wear one, that's your choice, but harassing others, that's just ridiculous. We'll be paying for it in terms of reduced effectiveness of public health measures for a long time.
Greengordonreplied to Senator Paula Simons last edited by
It's rare to feel pride these days in politicians, but this Canadian Senator inspires me with her courage and honesty.
"Yes. I am still wearing a mask. If that makes you angry or uncomfortable - ask yourself why. My latest column for Alberta Views - and probably the most controversial piece I’ve written in years."
Shantell Powellreplied to Senator Paula Simons last edited by
@Paulatics I'm glad you're still masking, but current strains aren't any less dangerous. They may not be as violent during their acute phase, but they are remaining in every system of our bodies and negatively affecting immune systems in a way comparable to HIV. I had a "mild" case of COVID in 2023 and despite having Paxlovid and ten vaccinations, I have long COVID. This disease continues to disable millions of people and prematurely shorten their lives, enormously increasing their chances of getting diabetes, cancer, strokes, and heart attacks.
Senator Paula Simonsreplied to Greengordon last edited by
@Greengordon Thank you so much. What a lovely thing to say.
Senator Paula Simonsreplied to Spandex Grëghound last edited by
@reallyflygreg This is my great fear - that when the next pandemic comes, we’ll be too paralyzed to act.
Norman Wilsonreplied to Senator Paula Simons last edited by
@Paulatics @reallyflygreg Or, worse, too dismissive.
girlfags 💘 dykeboysreplied to Shantell Powell last edited by
I'm no fan of any government official, elected or not, and I appreciate that at least one person in government anywhere is saying "mask up!" in any fashion, but focusing only on COVID also won't help people stay alive right now! H5N1 doesn't get mentioned *once* in this opinion piece, and there's only a passing reference to "flu season".
It's pathetic, dangerous, and deadly to ignore H5N1, it's the year 2025 for fuck sake!
Everything I'm reading is that H5N1 has a 25% - 50% mortality rate, which is staggering even compared to COVID which has already killed millions of people and trillions of other lifeforms.
To put it in perspective, if you trust the government sources (it's an undercount folks!) COVID has less than a 1% mortality rate, meaning 1 in every 100 people die after being infected with COVID. So H5N1 may not cause long COVID, but if we "let it rip" like we did with COVID (we being humanity collectively) it will kill somewhere between 1 in every 4 people on 1 in every 2 people who are infected with H5N1!!
If you though COVID was a mass fatality event, get ready for half, HALF!, of all people who catch the flu this year to be dead in 12 months. We're talking about a deadly pandemic beyond the wildest dreams of all the biopharma villains in the world!
Senator Paula Simonsreplied to girlfags 💘 dykeboys last edited by
@pettylarcen @Shanmonster I will say, by way of explanation, that magazine deadlines being what they are, I wrote and filed this piece last October, before H5N1 numbers in US dairy cattle started to rise dramatically, and before there were any reported cases of avian flu infecting humans in Canada. The risk of long magazine deadlines is that you can be overtaken by events. However, I did address the risk in a Senate speech a few weeks ago:
Senator Paula Simonsreplied to Senator Paula Simons last edited by
@pettylarcen @Shanmonster This speech was given November 5 - and since then, avian influenza has continued to infect increasing numbers of US dairy herds. And since then, a Canadian girl has been made very seriously ill indeed by avian influenza H5N1 - though there is still no clarity on how she became infected. #H5N1 #SenateofCanada
Senator Paula Simonsreplied to Senator Paula Simons last edited by
@pettylarcen @Shanmonster As deputy chair of the Senate agriculture committee, I’ve been keeping a worried eye on avian flu in cattle. So far, there have been no recorded or reported cases in Canada. But the US numbers are alarming, especially with the current “drink raw milk to own the libs” fad there.
CurrentBias Ⓥ🏴replied to Senator Paula Simons last edited by
>Perhaps my mask isn’t protecting me as much as I think it is.
It is! Especially the one you wear. 3M Auras are a great choice because they punch way above their weight. @masknerd measured a sub-micron filtration efficiency of 99.7% with one.
In 2016, researchers from NIOSH and Nelson Laboratory measured bacterial and viral filtration efficiencies of 99.62 to 99.9% and 99.8 to 99.9%, respectively, with N95s from 3M, Moldex, Kimberly-Clark, Sperian-Willson, and US Safety.
[An Ounce of Prevention]
Respirators are masks, but not all masks are respirators.
[Open-Source Eschaton] (
Senator Paula Simonsreplied to CurrentBias Ⓥ🏴 last edited by
@currentbias @masknerd Thank you! I started wearing them a couple of years ago, after my cousin the dentist gave me a couple to try. I find them more comfortable, too, since they don’t bother my ears, and fit nicely over my nose.
Kombi (Dave)replied to Senator Paula Simons last edited by
@Paulatics thank you indeed. I also choose to wear a mask while indoors with many people. I’m not at much risk, but my wife is severely immunocompromised.
It’s no one’s business why people choose to wear a mask. -
@Paulatics top tier personal choice. At one time, I used to frown at people wearing masks. After covid, I firmly believe people should be able to mask if it makes them feel more comfortable.
Sadly, the people who scream about personal choice are the most intent on denying that choice for others
Lstn2urmama 🇨🇦replied to Senator Paula Simons last edited by
@Paulatics I would mask as well if went out in public as have not done so for over a year as had covid last time for 2y weeks and 4 months later still dealing with the affects it left me with and cannot get vaxxed again till 3 months after covid gone ...
@Jam123 Exactly.