You put up this sign, you are going to have to physically restrain me
You put up this sign, you are going to have to physically restrain me
Jason Lefkowitzreplied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by [email protected]
This reminds me of a story I've already told here, but that was on my old account so you may not have seen it.
A few years ago, my then-girlfriend and I went on a date to an art gallery. We came to a room that was completely bare-walled and empty, except for one thing: a box in the middle with a wire running out of it.
Is this art? I thought.
I inspected the box. It had two switches, labeled ARM and FIRE.
I flipped the ARM switch. Nothing happened.
I looked at my girlfriend. She shrugged.
Then I flipped the FIRE switch. And there was an ear-splitting BANG as
My best guess is that they had rigged the room for some kind of event. I can't tell you for certain, because as soon as the confetti stopped flying she and I got out of the building as fast as our feet would carry us
CatSaladππ₯ (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:replied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by
@jalefkowit Boop ALL the buttons!!!
Jason Lefkowitzreplied to CatSaladππ₯ (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow: last edited by
@catsalad Imagining five minutes later the whole gallery staff walks in with a trophy for me, and wonders where I went
criley :manjaro:replied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by
@jalefkowit That's what the tape over the switch is doing.
@jalefkowit @catsalad More like the crew with brooms and dustpans that have to reset the whole thing while muttering under their breath.
Jason Lefkowitzreplied to jbaggs last edited by [email protected]