Rewatching Severance in preparation for season 2 starting on January the 19th - it rewatches *really well*.
Rewatching Severance in preparation for season 2 starting on January the 19th - it rewatches *really well*. I'm running a rewatch series on MetaFilter FanFare here, with a new episode every three days - just posted S1E2
@simon I watched it twice; once solo and once with my family. It was still riveting. Great seeing them go through the high-adrenaline season finale!
@simon I rewatched #Severance immediately after first viewing. Damn, it is good TV. Later, having heard it was renewed, I rewatched it again in the expectation it would arrive about a year after the first, only to check Wikipedia and exclaim "_2025?!_ WTF?"
I'll try to catch you up. Currently frantically rewatching S1 of Silo, because I hadn't noticed S2 had started.
Quality US TV arrives all at once like buses. Must be something to do with some inscrutable custom like sweeps week.
@katyswain I think it's more that the writers (and other) strikes delayed a ton of stuff to 2025 and now it's all arriving at once