So, simulating oral sex one stage has gotten people to move on from talking about his death threats to Liz Cheney.
Mastodon Migrationwrote last edited by [email protected]
So, simulating oral sex on stage has gotten people to move on from talking about his death threats to Liz Cheney which got people to move on from talking about his Madison Square Garden garbage fiasco.
This is how he does it. Ups the anti every news cycle.
@mastodonmigration He's #deadcatting again
Yes he his. It's turtles all the way down.
Philip Cardellareplied to Mastodon Migration last edited by
@mastodonmigration these are actually important stories.
Not that I think him giving a mic a blow job is in and of itself important.
But the Puerto Rico story was huge and Puerto Ricans are still mad as hell--and the 24 hours after that joke were huge early voting things.
The death threat to Liz Cheney is massive but it is still getting play time.
And from a fitness standpoint the mic rant that included the blow job was also violent and relevant. I mean it was just nuts.
Mastodon Migrationreplied to Philip Cardella last edited by
Not saying they aren't important. Just recognize what he is attempting to do.