This seems like a lot of money to spend to avoid having to stir
This seems like a lot of money to spend to avoid having to stir
Premium Cocktail Maker | Bartesian
Discover the Bartesian Cocktail Maker, a premium cocktail machine that lets you create bar-quality cocktails at home with the touch of a button. Perfect for any occasion.
Bartesian (
@jalefkowit Buff doge beverage techbro 2017: squeeze the packet of juice with thousands of pounds of force in a food grade press
Cheems beverage techbro 2024: pwease fix me a drinky measuring cups are hard
SemiSeriousJournalismreplied to Jason Lefkowitz last edited by
@jalefkowit why does every podcast I listen to have bartesian ads?
Jason Lefkowitzreplied to SemiSeriousJournalism last edited by
@RandomValleyJournalism I am getting pretty tired of that myself
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