Fresh install of 0.6.1 and same issue w/ parent categories + masonry
Tried a fresh install. Thought it maybe I've broke something but no
When you put multiple categories inside another they stack on top/overlap each other.. right><left
Was fine in 0.6.0.. what has happened ? I tried to fix but it looks like there's more going on than on the surface, as it doesn't correct in mobile either. Looking for a fix ? anyone help /?? mansory appears to not stack well on front page also..
Thanks @Codejet -- identified here:
Waiting on @psychobunny
EDIT: also reorganised some of the front page categories myself to get them to line up in sync. Fixed also.EDIT: OK found the remove category-icon margins fix. Still think the above is a prob worth mentioning. will try up a pic
thanks @julian @psychobunny