Masonary / css or plugin causing issue with embeds?
I've been playing around with this on my nodebb-plugin facebook plugin, and still can not seem to get embeds in the 'Number of recent posts' within masonary on the front page categories organising like it should. They are still out of whack.
Just noticed even with the nodebb-plugin-twitter embed plugin, that the masonary never seems to auto-organise correctly if there are embeds.
But maybe there is hope. I've just notice that when you toggle a resize a resolution of the browser window, such as minimising or maximising the browser , or toggling a right click 'inspect element' after completing loading the page... it seems to organise the masonary how it should again, without even touching code.
Is there a way to replicate this effect so that the recent posts with embeds in them organise correctly ?