uploaded profile image has bad URL
I have uploaded an image to my profile on my own build nodebb and the profile picture fails cause it has bad URL.
I am running my nodebb under /community and when I upload the image it gives me the following url: https://vpsie.com/community/community/uploads/profile/2-profileimg.png when I should only have community ones: https://vpsie.com/community/uploads/profile/2-profileimg.png
Do you guys have any suggestions how should I fix this issue?thanks in advance.
@Peter-Zoltan-Keresztes Can you provide your config.json (keys and passwords removed) as well as the configuration of your proxy (nginx/apache).
Looks like you've defined /community in both the config.json & the proxy, so it's going to base_url/community. But base_url already contains community.
It is only configured in the config:
{ "port": "4568", "secret": "some string", "database": "mongo", "mongo": { "host": "", "port": "27017", "username": "admin", "password": "", "database": "0" }, "url": "https://vpsie.com/community" }
and nginx proxy for community looks like this:
location ^~ /community { proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true; proxy_pass; proxy_redirect off; }
Yes the file is uploaded to the correct place and its just the url save that is wrong. I am running this on mongodb not redis. I doubt that command will work.
Here is the entry from the database.
db.objects.find({_key:"user:2"}).pretty(); { "_id" : ObjectId("53d79cfe98fa3bf35ba96e41"), "_key" : "user:2", "banned" : 0, "birthday" : "", "email" : "[email protected]", "email:confirmed" : 1, "fullname" : "", "gravatarpicture" : "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/7a192cf8dddf900c964f772b46e81ae7?size=128&default=identicon&rating=pg", "joindate" : 1406639358362, "lastonline" : 1423592859354, "lastposttime" : 1423542804847, "location" : "New York", "password" : "", "picture" : "/community/uploads/profile/2-profileimg.png", "postcount" : 13, "profileviews" : 10, "reputation" : 2, "signature" : "", "status" : "online", "uid" : 2, "uploadedpicture" : "/community/uploads/profile/2-profileimg.png", "username" : "admin", "userslug" : "admin", "website" : "http://https://vpsie.com", "followingCount" : 0, "followerCount" : 1, "topiccount" : 11 }
It does not work. It has the same url for the profile image.
That fixed it, however it created another issue. While editing the user change picture is not working now. Until I click the save button on the main profile.
@baris said:
All works now. Thank you for your help.
Since we have fixed the profile image issue clicking on the admin icon does not do anything. I can see the proper url on the status bar but clicking on it does not have any effect.